“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”—Dr. Seuss Venue: Ivory Manor Boutique Hotel MUA & Hair: Salome OdendaalPink Hotness Artistry Decor: Ivory Manor Boutique Hotel & Hetta’s Decor & Flowers Dress: Trés Jolie Bridal and Evening Wear & Stitch Nails: Lovinit – Nails and…
Tag: Pretoria Wedding Photographer
Pretoria Wedding photographer
Venessa & Marius was deel van die Trou by ons se kompitisie in 2021 en wat dit is so amazing om iets terug te gee en iemand se dag spesiaal te maak. Venessa & Marius is so ‘n awesome paartjie en ek was so bevoorreg om die dag met hulle en al die ander sponsers…
“Walking with your hands in mine and mine in yours, that’s exactly where I want to be always.” How amazing was this wedding! Just fell in love with this couple. Shot the wedding on behalf of Cat Schramm Photography
“You are the love that came without warning; you had my heart before I could say no.” Amazing Wedding, Couple and Venue, what more can a photographer ask for? Had such a good time second shooting for Alfred Photography
Wessel & Hester Peens Troue| Pretoria
Wessel & Hester het ‘n klein intieme troue net vir familie en vriende by hulle huis in Pretoria gehou. Dit was vir die familie ‘n baie spesiale dag en daar is behoorlik gekuier. Hulle was ook bevoorreg om 3 geslagte Peens manne saam te gehad het. Hester & Wessel, baie dankie dat ons die dag…
Nadine & Hein Behm Troue | Safari Restaurant & Conference Centre | Pretoria
Nadine & Hein het die 29ste November hulle groot dag gehad by Safari Garden Centre in Pretoria, Lynnwood. Ek het sommer dadelik verlief geraak op die plek en veral die Kapel. Ek is so geseënd om die wonderlikste klieënte te hê en Nadine en Hein het my werk net so maklik gemaak met hulle spontane…
Loryke & David Mare | Troue | Cussonia Crest | Brits
Ek het die voorreg gehad om Loryke & David se troue vas te lê by die ongelooflike Cussonia Crest Venue. Hulle is so ‘n stunning couple! Dankie aan Tracy Lee Stark wat my 2nd Shooter was en lekker geselskap op die pad. Hare & Grimering : Mercia Brits – Tips2toe Salon (http://www.tip2toesalon.co.za) DJ / Musiek …
Brayn & Meghan Hill | Shelanti Gardens Wedding Venue | Centurion | Pretoria
I had a chance to work with Rozanne Thomas with Bryan & Meghan’s Wedding at the beautifull Shelanti Gardens in Centurion on the 14th September. I totally fell inlove with their chapel and also the couple. They are so inlove with each other and you could feel the love in the air that day. …
Samantha & Ettiëne Wedding | Casablanca Manor Wedding Venue | Cullinan | Pretoria Weddings
Ek het met Samantha & Ettiëne se troue weer ‘n kans gekry om die pragtige Casablanca Manor te skiet. HIerdie keer as 2de kamera saam met Kate. Dit was ‘n klein troue met net die naaste vriende en familie.
Dawie & Lourein Haasbroek Wedding – Casa Mia Country Estate – Cullinan
Dawie & Lourein got married at the beautiful Casa Mia Country Estate venue in Cullinan on 17th August 2013. The weather was perfect on this day. All the hard work they had over the last couple of months just came together perfectly on their special day. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to…