Nadine & Hein het die 29ste November hulle groot dag gehad by Safari Garden Centre in Pretoria, Lynnwood. Ek het sommer dadelik verlief geraak op die plek en veral die Kapel. Ek is so geseënd om die wonderlikste klieënte te hê en Nadine en Hein het my werk net so maklik gemaak met hulle spontane…
Tag: Karen E! Photography
Tom & Xandra Troue | Stille Eeden | Ogies
Ek is so bly om uiteindelik die fotos met julle te kan deel. Tom & Xandra is by Stille Eeden in Ogies getroud. Dit was een van die dae wat regtig soos Kurt Darren se liedjie “Papsopwinterwaternat” was, maar dit het niemand se gees gedemp nie en almal was ewe opgewonde oor die dag. Gelukkig…
Claurette Glamour / Runway Partytjie deur Purple Plum Parties | Pretoria
Ek het die kans gekry om saam met Odette, eienaar van Purple Plum Partes te werk om Claurette se Glamour / Runway Partytjie te kon vaslê. Sy en haar mense los niks uit nie en sorg vir elke detail om gedoen te word. Die meisies het hulle eie runway gehad en is ook getreat om…
Sivashne’s Nalangu Ceremony
I’ve got to know Sivashne a few years back when we worked together. She is such a special person and when she asked me to her Nalangu Ceremony, I was so excited to be part of this special day. She found her prince and I know they will be happy for all the years to come.
I had the pleasure in capture this beuatifull little princess, Madison and her cousins. I just fell inlove with them immediately. They are so gorgeous and think they will have all the boys at their feet one day. Hope you enjoy the photos.
Leoné Portrait Shoot | Delmas
Ek het weer die kans gehad om so ‘n paar fototjies vir Leoné te doen. Dit is lekker om te sien hoe sy oor die paar jaar wat ek haar afneem, ontwikkel het van ‘n meisie tot ‘n tiener en nou al op die rand van ‘n jong vrou staan. Ons het dit sommer hier…
Loryke & David Mare | Troue | Cussonia Crest | Brits
Ek het die voorreg gehad om Loryke & David se troue vas te lê by die ongelooflike Cussonia Crest Venue. Hulle is so ‘n stunning couple! Dankie aan Tracy Lee Stark wat my 2nd Shooter was en lekker geselskap op die pad. Hare & Grimering : Mercia Brits – Tips2toe Salon ( DJ / Musiek …
Brayn & Meghan Hill | Shelanti Gardens Wedding Venue | Centurion | Pretoria
I had a chance to work with Rozanne Thomas with Bryan & Meghan’s Wedding at the beautifull Shelanti Gardens in Centurion on the 14th September. I totally fell inlove with their chapel and also the couple. They are so inlove with each other and you could feel the love in the air that day. …
Samantha & Ettiëne Wedding | Casablanca Manor Wedding Venue | Cullinan | Pretoria Weddings
Ek het met Samantha & Ettiëne se troue weer ‘n kans gekry om die pragtige Casablanca Manor te skiet. HIerdie keer as 2de kamera saam met Kate. Dit was ‘n klein troue met net die naaste vriende en familie.
Broderick & Dina Jacobs Vow Renewal | Summer Place Wedding Venue | Boksburg | East Rand Weddings
Broderick & Dina decided to renew their vows this year. Married for 18 years and still inlove as the day they met. They had the ceremony and reception at the beautifull Summer Place in Boksburg and they had all their friends and family there as witnesses.